Saturday, April 10, 2010
Top Pay-Per-Post Sites
Aside from advertising and affiliate programs, another popular way of getting some money from your blog is to write sponsored reviews for any advertiser which is willing to pay you to write about him. But in order to be facilitated the connection between the bloggers and advertisers, it is needed the usage of an intermediary, the so called pay-per-post companies. To this end, I will present below some of the most popular blog sponsored review sites that pay bloggers to write.
SponsoredReview is a platform that allows direct negotiation between bloggers and advertisers. This direct negotiation means that you have to browse through an advertiser directory and seek for those you want to work with. On the other hand, advertisers can do the same by making individual offers directly to bloggers, which makes the system working both ways. Payouts range from $5 to $1000 per each review, and the final payments are made every two weeks via PayPal.
BlogVertise is an interesting pay-per-post system, because there is no marketplace to browse. The connection between the advertisers and bloggers is made by the staff. All you have to do is register your blog, and when BlogsVertise has a suitable offer for your blog, it will be emailed to you. The average payout is around $5 - $15 per post, the final payment being made exclusively through PayPal 30 days after the sponsored post is approved.
On Smorty blogs must be at least 30 days old and to have at least 10 articles published in order to be approved. The quoted rates for a sponsored post range from $6 to $100. The PageRank of your blog and advertiser ratings of your previous sponsored posts determine the frequency and value of the offers. Payments are made weekly, exclusively through PayPal.
PayU2Blog is a smaller player in the sponsored review market. As a publisher, you will be given paid posting assignments on a weekly basis based on the blog profile you create.
Although Bloggerwave is also a small paid blogging network and lists few open job opportunities, their site is very friendly and easy to navigate. Bloggers here get paid a minimum of $10 for each completed and approved post.
With LoudLaunch the amount paid per post is based on the blog ranking, this network allowing bloggers to be compensated for distributing press releases. All you have to do is search through advertisers’ press release campaigns, select the ones aligned with your blog and post them on your blog based on the advertisers campaign. The compensation is based on the exposure your blog can deliver.
Once your blog is approved on the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. The payments are made per posting, exclusively through PayPal, the standard amount being $5.
BloggingAds is a different system, they supply everything: the advertisers, the text of the post and the money, all you have to do is to publish the ad on your blog.
The 4 Golden Rules Of Communication For Couples
The key to a successful relationship is undoubtedly good communication. For a relationship to work, couples must constantly communicate their thoughts and feelings to each other. However, as time goes by, couples lose interest communicating with each other. They run out of topics to talk about and conversations become monotonous. A slight mis-usage of words can easily metamorphose into an argument out of proportion. Couples start losing their loving connection and relationships become a chore rather than an avenue of enjoyment.
At Love Clinic, we have 4 golden communication rules which you should always keep in mind. They can be applied to maintain your relationship at its peak and prevent you from losing that important person in your life. To help you remember these rules, we have devised a mnemonic – L.O.V.E, where L stands for Listening, O for Open communication, V for Verbalising and E for Empathy.
Rule #1: Listening
You must have gathered from various websites or seminars that the key to effective communication is listening. We couldn’t agree more. If both parties can listen to each other well, they are more likely to understand each other’s ideas and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
How do you train yourself to listen effectively? In the initial stages, communicate with your partner with the same vigilance as if you are clinching a 100 million dollar deal. Listen actively to what he/she has to say, process in your brain the feelings he/she is experiencing and react accordingly. Paraphrase what you have gathered and ask questions to clarify when in doubt. Apply these principles to your every day communication. With practice, you will be able to capture your partner’s feelings even before he or she verbalizes it.
Rule #2: Open Communication
The second golden rule for effective communication is to communicate openly and sincerely. Be honest in whatever you say and try not to lie to the other party. Share with each other your thoughts and ideas and update the other party on your every day life. As far as possible, do not hide anything from each other. Share secrets so that the other party will feel that he/she occupies an important position in your life.
If you communicate openly with your partner at a regular basis in an honest manner, it will minimize the likelihood of the other party guessing about what you are thinking or doing and hence, reduce the chances of misunderstandings happening.
Rule #3: Verbalising
Thirdly, do not expect your partner to read your mind. Always verbalize your wants and needs to the other party. For example, if you are unhappy about what he/she has done, tell him/her in a tactful way, or else the other party may never know your displeasure. If you really love him/her very much, whisper words of love sweetly into his/her ears.
Through continued verbalization of your thoughts and feelings, a better mutual understanding will develop, which will in turn bring your relationship to greater heights.
Rule #4: Empathy
It has been said that the language of love is not words, but meanings. Hence, it is important to try and understand the other party’s feelings when communicating. Appreciate the other party’s ideas, concerns and expectations and try to see things from his/her perspective. If there are conflicting view points, try to put yourself in the other party’s shoes and identify with each other. With more empathy and concern, your partner will feel loved and this will open up new channels for effective communication.
In conclusion, always remember these 4 golden rules and communicate with L.O.V.E. This not only cuts down on arguments but also bring both parties closer physically and emotionally.
At Love Clinic, we have 4 golden communication rules which you should always keep in mind. They can be applied to maintain your relationship at its peak and prevent you from losing that important person in your life. To help you remember these rules, we have devised a mnemonic – L.O.V.E, where L stands for Listening, O for Open communication, V for Verbalising and E for Empathy.
Rule #1: Listening
You must have gathered from various websites or seminars that the key to effective communication is listening. We couldn’t agree more. If both parties can listen to each other well, they are more likely to understand each other’s ideas and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
How do you train yourself to listen effectively? In the initial stages, communicate with your partner with the same vigilance as if you are clinching a 100 million dollar deal. Listen actively to what he/she has to say, process in your brain the feelings he/she is experiencing and react accordingly. Paraphrase what you have gathered and ask questions to clarify when in doubt. Apply these principles to your every day communication. With practice, you will be able to capture your partner’s feelings even before he or she verbalizes it.
Rule #2: Open Communication
The second golden rule for effective communication is to communicate openly and sincerely. Be honest in whatever you say and try not to lie to the other party. Share with each other your thoughts and ideas and update the other party on your every day life. As far as possible, do not hide anything from each other. Share secrets so that the other party will feel that he/she occupies an important position in your life.
If you communicate openly with your partner at a regular basis in an honest manner, it will minimize the likelihood of the other party guessing about what you are thinking or doing and hence, reduce the chances of misunderstandings happening.
Rule #3: Verbalising
Thirdly, do not expect your partner to read your mind. Always verbalize your wants and needs to the other party. For example, if you are unhappy about what he/she has done, tell him/her in a tactful way, or else the other party may never know your displeasure. If you really love him/her very much, whisper words of love sweetly into his/her ears.
Through continued verbalization of your thoughts and feelings, a better mutual understanding will develop, which will in turn bring your relationship to greater heights.
Rule #4: Empathy
It has been said that the language of love is not words, but meanings. Hence, it is important to try and understand the other party’s feelings when communicating. Appreciate the other party’s ideas, concerns and expectations and try to see things from his/her perspective. If there are conflicting view points, try to put yourself in the other party’s shoes and identify with each other. With more empathy and concern, your partner will feel loved and this will open up new channels for effective communication.
In conclusion, always remember these 4 golden rules and communicate with L.O.V.E. This not only cuts down on arguments but also bring both parties closer physically and emotionally.
These days everyone wants to know how to make money online.
Yet, for some, this lifestyle seems out of reach. Does this describe you at all?
If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out the quickest and easiest methods to generate cash for yourself online, then these five tactics should have you opening your eyes wide and wondering: “Why didn’t I think of this before?”
Cash Tactic #1: Affiliate Products
Affiliate products offer the small, home-based business owner the opportunity to make truckloads of cash, while investing a minimum in over head.
Low overhead is the primary benefit of affiliate marketing. You don’t need your own merchant account. You don’t need to pay a web designer and programmer to create a huge e-store for you. You don’t handle customer complaints, refunds or returns...
All you do is refer the prospect to the merchant’s site, and the merchant handles the rest.
I believe the best affiliate products are information products. Your commissions on information products tend to be higher simply because the author can price an information product higher than what the average shopper spends on a tangible product sold online on a typical day.
This is because the value of information is ambiguous at best, and subjective to how the prospect sees value. People are willing to spend much, much more in order to acquire a solution to their problems.
Cash Tactic #2: Resale Rights
Resale rights are the lazy marketer’s salvation. You don’t have to create your own product. You don’t have to write a single word. You may not even have to lift a finger on sales page creation when the resale product comes with a ready-to-upload sales page.
All you do is pay the licensing fee to acquire rights to the product, perform a small amount of editing to change the payment link over to yours, and upload the sales page and product file to your web server.
The trend is taking a turn for the better in 2005 while the marketing world goes through its latest “next big thing”: niche marketing.
Today, you can find products with resale rights for such things as cooking, golf, arts and crafts, self-improvement and more.
Seizing on the profits promised by demand for niche products, there are dozens of new authors out there who have devoted themselves to turning out these niche products, and offering them with resale rights.
Cash Tactic #3: Special Reports
A special report is a ‘mini e-book’ of no more than about 5 to 12 pages in length. While you can certainly create a mini-ebook that sells (provided the information it contains is perceived to be valuable enough), the best use of a short report is as a lead generating tool for your affiliate campaigns.
The mini-ebook is the ideal viral tool. You create (or acquire) a mini-ebook which is branded with your affiliate links and/or your main URL.
The focus of the report should be niche specific and completely focused on the pre-selling of the affiliate product.
Cash Tactic #4: Interviews
It’s a piece of cake to churn out products created from interviews. In fact, it may be one of the laziest content generation methods available.
Interview packaging is easy, too. You can present the interview as a written transcript, an audio transcript, or both. You can offer a downloadable mp3 file or you can burn the entire interview to CD, put an attractive label on it, and instantly raise your price by at least 30%.
Cash Tactic #5 Teleseminars
Do you want to know something interesting about teleseminars?
While they’re becoming a popular marketing method, the field is really wide open for you to cash in on them because very few marketers understand how to pull them off.
A teleseminar requires advance planning and a willingness to overcome a bit of stage fright. The average marketer in competition with you avoids teleseminars for these reasons.
They’re intimidated by the idea of showing up on time and speaking, even via telephone, to an audience of a couple hundred people.
You can cash in on this technique in a big way. Teleseminars, right now, are popular mainly among the internet marketing crowd and tend to focus on marketing-related subjects; but, just imagine what you could do if you held teleseminars for non-internet marketing niche audiences?
The field is wide open and vastly under-exploited.
There you have it - five quick and easy methods to generate windfalls of cash online!
It’s really amazingly simple, isn’t it? Every tactic is really just a vehicle of delivery for an idea. Your profits begin in an idea which spawns market research. This spawns an analysis of the best approach for delivering your idea to buying public.
While there are many more secrets and techniques to generate massive cash windfalls from the internet, as a start, you should put any one of these methods to good use.
I promise that you will finally get a taste of what it’s really like to succeed wildly online if you do so!
However, while thinking on where to start, you can actually start from here.
Also, another tactic is this,
Yet, for some, this lifestyle seems out of reach. Does this describe you at all?
If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out the quickest and easiest methods to generate cash for yourself online, then these five tactics should have you opening your eyes wide and wondering: “Why didn’t I think of this before?”
Cash Tactic #1: Affiliate Products
Affiliate products offer the small, home-based business owner the opportunity to make truckloads of cash, while investing a minimum in over head.
Low overhead is the primary benefit of affiliate marketing. You don’t need your own merchant account. You don’t need to pay a web designer and programmer to create a huge e-store for you. You don’t handle customer complaints, refunds or returns...
All you do is refer the prospect to the merchant’s site, and the merchant handles the rest.
I believe the best affiliate products are information products. Your commissions on information products tend to be higher simply because the author can price an information product higher than what the average shopper spends on a tangible product sold online on a typical day.
This is because the value of information is ambiguous at best, and subjective to how the prospect sees value. People are willing to spend much, much more in order to acquire a solution to their problems.
Cash Tactic #2: Resale Rights
Resale rights are the lazy marketer’s salvation. You don’t have to create your own product. You don’t have to write a single word. You may not even have to lift a finger on sales page creation when the resale product comes with a ready-to-upload sales page.
All you do is pay the licensing fee to acquire rights to the product, perform a small amount of editing to change the payment link over to yours, and upload the sales page and product file to your web server.
The trend is taking a turn for the better in 2005 while the marketing world goes through its latest “next big thing”: niche marketing.
Today, you can find products with resale rights for such things as cooking, golf, arts and crafts, self-improvement and more.
Seizing on the profits promised by demand for niche products, there are dozens of new authors out there who have devoted themselves to turning out these niche products, and offering them with resale rights.
Cash Tactic #3: Special Reports
A special report is a ‘mini e-book’ of no more than about 5 to 12 pages in length. While you can certainly create a mini-ebook that sells (provided the information it contains is perceived to be valuable enough), the best use of a short report is as a lead generating tool for your affiliate campaigns.
The mini-ebook is the ideal viral tool. You create (or acquire) a mini-ebook which is branded with your affiliate links and/or your main URL.
The focus of the report should be niche specific and completely focused on the pre-selling of the affiliate product.
Cash Tactic #4: Interviews
It’s a piece of cake to churn out products created from interviews. In fact, it may be one of the laziest content generation methods available.
Interview packaging is easy, too. You can present the interview as a written transcript, an audio transcript, or both. You can offer a downloadable mp3 file or you can burn the entire interview to CD, put an attractive label on it, and instantly raise your price by at least 30%.
Cash Tactic #5 Teleseminars
Do you want to know something interesting about teleseminars?
While they’re becoming a popular marketing method, the field is really wide open for you to cash in on them because very few marketers understand how to pull them off.
A teleseminar requires advance planning and a willingness to overcome a bit of stage fright. The average marketer in competition with you avoids teleseminars for these reasons.
They’re intimidated by the idea of showing up on time and speaking, even via telephone, to an audience of a couple hundred people.
You can cash in on this technique in a big way. Teleseminars, right now, are popular mainly among the internet marketing crowd and tend to focus on marketing-related subjects; but, just imagine what you could do if you held teleseminars for non-internet marketing niche audiences?
The field is wide open and vastly under-exploited.
There you have it - five quick and easy methods to generate windfalls of cash online!
It’s really amazingly simple, isn’t it? Every tactic is really just a vehicle of delivery for an idea. Your profits begin in an idea which spawns market research. This spawns an analysis of the best approach for delivering your idea to buying public.
While there are many more secrets and techniques to generate massive cash windfalls from the internet, as a start, you should put any one of these methods to good use.
I promise that you will finally get a taste of what it’s really like to succeed wildly online if you do so!
However, while thinking on where to start, you can actually start from here.
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