I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do, you might just as well turn over to me,
And I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done,
And after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great men
And, alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though
I work with all the precision of a machine
Plus the intelligence of a man.
You may run me for profit, or run me for ruin;
It makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me
And I will put the world at your feet.
Be easy with me, and I will destroy you.
Who am I?
I am habit!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Speak to Boost Your Business and Career
Forget that speaking in front of others is the Number One Fear. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to get your message to many people simultaneously and sell yourself within your organization and to clients and customers. It can be one of your most effective marketing tools when you have honed your message and know your target market. It can also be a good way to grow your network and your database, with permission, of course.
Become a subject matter expert. Your first task is to define your areas of expertise. What do you do? How do you it differently? If self-employed, what service or product do you sell? If employed by someone else, do people seek you out as a resource or for advice on a topic? When I was at AT&T (the first one!), my name became synonymous with public relations. Today, my areas of expertise are business networking and communication skills. What’s your area?
Describe your topic. Choose a title or titles (use your creativity!) and write a short overview and learner benefits. Show people you are for real. Look as if you are an expert on the topic and a seasoned presenter. Never say, “I am thinking of speaking on thus and such topic.” Instead, “I speak on thus and such topic.” While employed at Bell Labs, a friend challenged me to develop my first class in communication. It was his opinion that I knew a lot; however, I didn’t have a beginning, middle or end. I picked up the gauntlet and developed an internal 10-week communication course for employees. And one thing lead to another …
Determine your target market. This is a major marketing ingredient that takes forethought and time. Make sure the people in the audience can use your services/products or refer you to people who can. Internally, choose audiences that can help further your career and enhance where you are and where you want to go.
Approach groups, organizations and internal entities that include your target market. If you are willing to speak for free (and most beginners do), you will find infinite opportunities. Suggestions include:
- Chambers of Commerce. Usually, you need to be a member to be considered, and you are a prime candidate since many chambers choose not to pay their presenters.
- Service Clubs. There are a plethora of Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs that meet frequently and are looking for pro bono presentations.
- Not-for-profits (and their boards!). I cut a few teeth speaking on behalf of AT&T for the United Way in Chicago. These are eager audiences, and you also get satisfaction from giving as you get.
- Networking groups. Seek out local groups that are not part of a national, multi-chapter organization. They frequently are looking for specific subject-matter presentations at no cost.
- Other industry/professional/sorority-fraternity/interest-specific groups that meet monthly. Almost all of them offer programs to their members and most have a meager speaker budget, at best.
- Internal opportunities. Volunteer to head projects like the United Way, blood drive, and other outside activities your company supports. You’ll gain valuable experience and exposure speaking in front of your team and, sometime, the entire company. Also, jump at every chance to do business presentations in front of peers, managers, vendors and customers.
Benefits are myriad. First of all, it will help you conquer your fear of speaking. Secondly, it will increase your visibility and credibility as a subject matter expert. Thirdly, it will probably lead to more sales and more career success. It helps put you in the drivers’ seat!
The 30 second secret to blasting your energy levels through the roof in the morning
There is an underlying inner sleep system which the quality of your sleep and your daily energy levels highly depend on. It’s this inner sleep system that plays a key role in:
• When you go to sleep and when you wake up.
• How energized you feel in the morning, and throughout the day.
• When your body produces feelings of “sleepiness” to send you a signal that you later interpret in a way like… “I feel tired, I better get to bed…”
Most people don’t know how to use this system to their advantage…
You’re about to discover how you can use a simple ‘little-known-about’ method in the first 30 seconds after waking up to your advantage and boost your energy levels in the morning dramatically. You’ll be able to learn how this works very easily (you’ll fully understand in a moment), and notice results immediately when you apply it into your life.
Your body’s natural body temperature rhythm plays a key role in how much energy you have! In case you don’t remember let’s first review your body temperature rhythm. In grade 5 science class, most of us are taught that our body temperature stays at a constant 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit (36.6 Celsius). In reality, this is false. Your body temperature varies by about 6 degrees every day.
Your body temperature rises and falls by about 6 degrees every-day, this rise and fall of your body temperature is known as your body temperature rhythm, or as some like to call it your “circadian rhythm.” Your body temperature usually rises in the morning around 6 AM, and begins to rise until the afternoon, where it takes a slight “slump.” It then recovers from this slump and continues to rise until the evening hours, where it drops all through the night as you sleep.

Believe it or not, it’s this rise and fall of your body temperature that plays a major role in
• When you feel sleepy
• When you feel energized.
When your temperature is dropping, you feel “sleepy” and more towards the “tired” side. This is like a cue for your body to create feelings of sleepiness. When your body temperature is rising, you tend to feel energized, alert, relaxed, and more “awake”.
The 30 Second Method To Boosting Your Energy In The Morning
There is a hormone in your body called melatonin. It’s also sometimes called as the “vampire” hormone, or the “sleep” hormone. The longer your eyes are exposed to darkness, the more of this hormone is released inside of your blood. The instant your eyes are exposed to light, the level of melatonin in your blood begins to decrease rapidly.
It’s this hormone that contributes a lot to the drop in your body temperature. Melatonin also makes you feel “sleepy.” When you wake up in the morning, you have A LOT of melatonin inside of your blood. This is the main reason why you may feel like a “zombie” when you wake up. Combined with a low body temperature in the morning, most people are so low on energy that they mistake the tired and drowsy feeling in the morning as the need to sleep, and end up sleeping longer and doing more damage to their sleep systems. In reality, this is not the need to sleep, but actually the result of sleeping!
The 30 second trick to rapidly lowering your melatonin levels, and boosting your body temperature in the morning here it is…
When you wake up, you MUST expose your eyes to natural sunlight within 1 minute of waking up for AT LEAST 30 seconds. As you do this you will notice the drowsy and tired feeling you usually get in the morning fading away, as your body feels more and more energized. At first glance this sounds very simple, but hundreds of people who apply this technique from the Powerful Sleep system achieve incredible energetic results instantly in the morning.
Here’s How And WHY This Works
As you already know, when you expose your eyes to light your melatonin levels begin to drop and your body temperature begins to rise, as you slowly feel more awake in the morning. But… have you ever wondered why you feel less energetic on cloudy and rainy days?
Why does this happen?
Because LIGHT Comes In Many Intensities Most people don’t realize that spending the day in-doors is the equivalent for your eyes as spending the day in darkness. Let me explain… Light intensity is measured in units called “luxes.” 1 Lux is about the light your eyes would get if you were to sit in a pitch dark room with 1 candle.
• During sunrise and sunset, your eyes get about 1,000 to 5,000 Luxes of light!
• During the afternoon on a sunny day your eyes get about 100,000 luxes of light!
• Inside your home, or in an office, your eyes get about 100 to 500 luxes of light.
The level of melatonin in your blood always depends on the light intensity coming into your eyes.
For your eyes, being in-doors and not being exposed to high intensity light is the equivalent as being in complete darkness. This has huge effect on your melatonin levels and your body temperature rhythm. When you expose your eyes to high intensity light such as natural sunlight in the morning you drastically lower your melatonin levels right away, and your body temperature begins to rise as a result.
However, most people spend the first hour or two of the morning sitting in-doors, and wondering why they feel “so tired” while they gobble down another cup of coffee.(Later on, you’ll be shocked when you find out what coffee really does for your sleep system.)
When you’re sitting in your home in the morning, half of the light outside is being blocked by your windows, drapes and shades. Your eyes get at most maybe 200 to 300 luxes of light. This keeps your melatonin levels high, stops your body temperature from rising and keeps you low on energy. This does further damage to your sleep system in a perpetual loop, lowering your energy and immune system day by day.
I hoped you really enjoyed the information in this special report. This is just one of the MANY techniques and inner sleep system secrets you’ll learn in Powerful Sleep which you’ll use to supercharge your sleep system and blast your daily energy levels sky high, so you can wake up fully energized and live your whole day with passion!
The Powerful Sleep System also teaches you how to reduce your sleep and have more time and energy than when you slept longer.
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