The biggest mistake you can make when you're starting a small business online is to aim too broadly. Internet business success comes from identifying a tightly focused niche market on which you can concentrate all your efforts and resources.
So how do you know if you've found one?
Here's a quick way to evaluate a potential business idea or niche market and see if it has legs: Look at what people are paying to advertise on its keywords.
Typically, where there are high pay-per-click bids, competition in the natural search engine results is also high. Maybe too high. If you can't afford to compete for a top spot in the sponsored listings for the most desirable keywords, should you even bother with this market?
Well don't give up just yet. Many PPC advertisers make exactly the same mistake aspiring online entrepreneurs do: They aim too broadly. They pay ridiculous amounts of money to get listed in the top spots for keywords that are far too unfocused and simply won't convert.
Knowing that, you can take advantage of pay-per-click data to determine if you've found a viable market or not--before you get mired in an online business with no potential.
Use the free Google AdWords Keyword Tool to see how many searches are being done monthly per keyword, and how much advertisers are spending per keyword for a top position in the sponsored listings.
To do this, enter a few terms associated with the niche you've identified and tick the Use synonyms box.
Sort the columns so you're looking at Keywords, Estimated Ad Position, Estimated Average Cost per Click, and Global Monthly Search Volume. It will look like this:
You'll get a list of keywords similar to the ones you've entered. By default, you'll see the cost per click for the top three positions in the Google Sponsored Listings. (To see the cost per click for lower positions, enter a maximum CPC bid of 25 cents in the box next to the currency choice.)
You probably can't compete in this market if all the keywords in your chosen area are upwards of $1. If all the advertisers are willing to pay a dollar or more per click, at a 1 percent conversion ratio--which is pretty decent--they're paying $100+ per customer. So you're looking at one of two possibilities:
It's a saturated market. Stay away, no matter how attractive the global search volume looks for each keyword. It's going to cost you too much, and you don't have the experience to compete.
It's too broad to be a niche in the first place. In this case, you've got an opportunity to narrow your idea down to a laser-targeted niche. Try looking through the list for "clusters" of keywords that all point to the same problem. Then you can generate further keywords from those and see how the numbers look. This refining process is a big part of finding a golden niche.
You probably can compete in this market if:
there are lots of reasonably priced keywords ($0.25 and under) in the top three positions.
there are reasonably priced keywords in lower positions but still on the front page.
the affordable keywords clearly show the intention of the searchers--you can identify the problem they're trying to solve and come up with a solution; and
the combined monthly searches for the affordable keywords add up to a worthwhile number--a few thousand, at least.
These are indications that you've found a genuine niche market, and it's worth looking at the competition to see if you should continue.
For competition research, again, the Google keyword tool is your best pal. Go through the keyword list and Google each one. Look at who's paying to appear in the top ad positions above the natural search results. As you go through the list of keywords, you will likely see a trend--the same sites will start showing up over and over. Those sites give you a pretty solid idea of who your biggest competition would be: These are the ones that are serious enough about their business to spend money to appear in those top results.
When you visit the sites of those top advertisers, you can find out what your potential competitors are selling and how well they're doing it.
It's a good idea to set up a spreadsheet to keep track of all this information. You don't have to record every detail for every site, but jot a few notes down for each one.
Once you have some idea about the businesses you're up against, give these questions some serious thought:
How could my business fit in with the competition?
Is there room for me in this market?
Are there any gaps in this market that I can fill?
Are people buying in this market, or do they expect everything for free?
What could I do better than the sites I've seen?
This is a quick and dirty method of validating your niche market, but it's based on hard dollars that real businesses are spending to compete. If seeing those numbers won't stop you from making the biggest mistake in online business, what will?
Allen Moon is Director of Marketing for the Internet Marketing Center. He leads a team of internet business experts who stay on top of the changing online landscape. They constantly research the latest approaches and test them on real commercial websites, then pass on their knowledge in easy-to-use, internet marketing tools, instruction materials, and training services.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The most important and enduring relationship that you ever enter into begins when you bring a child into the world. Every other thing will come and go but your role as a parent lasts as long as you live. The impact of your parenting can affect your child and your children’s children fro generations. Parenting is probably the most profound responsibility an adult can ever take on.
The most important single role of parenting is to love and nurture your children and to build in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence. If you raise a child feeling terrific about themselves, if you bring them up full of eagerness to go out and take the world, then you have fulfilled your responsibility in the highest possible sense. Conversely, if you give your child everything of a material nature but raise him or her lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem, you have failed in your primary role.
Abraham Maslow taught that every human being has two main types of needs that they strive to fulfill. These are the need to fulfill their potentials and the need to compensate for their perceived deficiencies. Thus, a child raise without sufficient love tends to seek it all his or her life, rather than striving to realize his or her potential.
Perhaps the kindest thing a parent can do is to give his or her child the love and emotional support the child needs to grow and thrive, creating a climate in which the child feels totally loved by the most important people in his or her life. The growing child develops a healthy personality in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of love he or she receives.
Every parent wants the best for their children, but some of the parents fail to fulfill their most important requirement in raising their children by not loving them enough. There are two major reasons for the failure by parents to love their children enough. First, the parents with low self-esteem have great difficulty giving more love to their children than they feel for themselves.
The second reason is that parents often have the mistaken perception that their children exist to fulfill their expectations. A major cause of misunderstanding between parents and children is the parents’ feeling or perception that their children are failing to live up to the standard the parent expect them to be or do.
Many parents look upon their children as a form of property and they feel their children are behaving properly only when they are doing and saying what their parents want them to. If the children’s behavior differs from the parents’ expectations, the parent criticizes them.
The starting point of raising children is to realize that your children are not your property but are gift from the most high and they belong to themselves. You must understand that each child of yours is different from any other and he or she has his/her own agenda, with his/her own special talents, interests and abilities. So, your children’s job is not to conform to his/her parents’ expectations, but to grow and blossom and become whatever he/she is capable of becoming.
In the book The Prophet written by Kahlil Gibran, he says “your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. So, you may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children, as living arrows, are sent forth”.
When you look at your children as precious gifts that you can only enjoy for a short time, you see your role as a parent from a different perspective. When you celebrate and encourage the special nature and personality of your child, he or she grows like a flower in the sunshine. But if you try to get your child to be something he or she is not, your child’s spirit will die and his/her abilities for happiness and joy will shrivel like a leaf on a tree in autumn.
What your children are and what they will become will very much reflect on the kind of parent you are. Most parents blame their children when they do something that the parent doesn’t like. The parents are the primary source of a child’s behavior. In the early years of a child’s life, he/she is very reactive, the behavior they exhibit either good or bad is proportional to they way they are being treated by their parents and the people around them. When parents begin accepting responsibility for the children’s behavior, real progress becomes possible in solving difficulties the children might be having.
The most important consideration in raising children is the amount of love they receive. Children need love like flowers need water. Continuous flow of love and approval from parent to child is the child’s lifeline to emotional and physical health.
The most important single role of parenting is to love and nurture your children and to build in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence. If you raise a child feeling terrific about themselves, if you bring them up full of eagerness to go out and take the world, then you have fulfilled your responsibility in the highest possible sense. Conversely, if you give your child everything of a material nature but raise him or her lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem, you have failed in your primary role.
Abraham Maslow taught that every human being has two main types of needs that they strive to fulfill. These are the need to fulfill their potentials and the need to compensate for their perceived deficiencies. Thus, a child raise without sufficient love tends to seek it all his or her life, rather than striving to realize his or her potential.
Perhaps the kindest thing a parent can do is to give his or her child the love and emotional support the child needs to grow and thrive, creating a climate in which the child feels totally loved by the most important people in his or her life. The growing child develops a healthy personality in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of love he or she receives.
Every parent wants the best for their children, but some of the parents fail to fulfill their most important requirement in raising their children by not loving them enough. There are two major reasons for the failure by parents to love their children enough. First, the parents with low self-esteem have great difficulty giving more love to their children than they feel for themselves.
The second reason is that parents often have the mistaken perception that their children exist to fulfill their expectations. A major cause of misunderstanding between parents and children is the parents’ feeling or perception that their children are failing to live up to the standard the parent expect them to be or do.
Many parents look upon their children as a form of property and they feel their children are behaving properly only when they are doing and saying what their parents want them to. If the children’s behavior differs from the parents’ expectations, the parent criticizes them.
The starting point of raising children is to realize that your children are not your property but are gift from the most high and they belong to themselves. You must understand that each child of yours is different from any other and he or she has his/her own agenda, with his/her own special talents, interests and abilities. So, your children’s job is not to conform to his/her parents’ expectations, but to grow and blossom and become whatever he/she is capable of becoming.
In the book The Prophet written by Kahlil Gibran, he says “your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. So, you may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children, as living arrows, are sent forth”.
When you look at your children as precious gifts that you can only enjoy for a short time, you see your role as a parent from a different perspective. When you celebrate and encourage the special nature and personality of your child, he or she grows like a flower in the sunshine. But if you try to get your child to be something he or she is not, your child’s spirit will die and his/her abilities for happiness and joy will shrivel like a leaf on a tree in autumn.
What your children are and what they will become will very much reflect on the kind of parent you are. Most parents blame their children when they do something that the parent doesn’t like. The parents are the primary source of a child’s behavior. In the early years of a child’s life, he/she is very reactive, the behavior they exhibit either good or bad is proportional to they way they are being treated by their parents and the people around them. When parents begin accepting responsibility for the children’s behavior, real progress becomes possible in solving difficulties the children might be having.
The most important consideration in raising children is the amount of love they receive. Children need love like flowers need water. Continuous flow of love and approval from parent to child is the child’s lifeline to emotional and physical health.
I am constantly astonished and humbled by the unique and unusual ways in which people make money. While lots of business owners have mastered the art of developing interesting profit centers for their business, some of the most exciting revenue streams that I see today are developed by employees of these small businesses who are making money outside their “regular” job.
While these workers love the security, variety and steady pay check of their 8 to 4 career, they also enjoy making tens of thousands of dollars extra for themselves by executing short term, minimum-commitment strategies several times a year.
If making money on the side interest you, but you want the commitment of running a part-time business all year round, then using the instant extra cash strategies to make extra income at night, weekends and during holidays is for you.
Do you know everyday millions of people are taking millions of dollar from the internet? Today, the internet is like a deep mine containing all sort of natural resources that could be exchanged for dollars. Infact, as you are reading this information right now, I am earning $1 already because you read it. It is a simple as that. I will be listing a couple of opportunities you could embrace to start making you own money. Follow this link
Have you heard of cashcrate? Here millions of companies around the globe pay you few dollars for every honest opinion you give towards their products. Today, cashcrate is making a lot of people like me to earn big extra income aside from their monthly income. You could also earn from this site. To sign up, for this website is free, but there are certain things you need to do before you sign up.
• You need online accounts that you can use to receive your monthly checks. These online accounts are free. Click below to sign up for these accounts.
• Next is to acquire a virtual US address where your monthly check will be mailed to you. This virtual US address serve as your graphcard account number, so with your graphcard account, you can get a virtual US address.
Click this link to sign up
A confirmatory email will be sent tot your email address, confirm it and begin making money.
This one is for those who are football fans. This site pays you for supporting a club or a team of your choice in any competition. If you have a good and wide knowledge on football, then do you know you can make money by analyzing matches and predicting which team is going to win?
Here all you need to do is either predict a win, a loss or a draw in any match of your choice or then smile to your bank to withdraw your money. To start, log on to, click on new user and fill the form correctly. Where you see referral code put BZPCRAH5. After you are done with form you submit.
Then log in and enter your bank account details, to enable you transfer your money at will. When you log in, go to BANK INFORMATION. Input your account number and Bank name. How to credit your account for betting will be sent to mail box and once your have credited your account, you can start making money by betting for your favourite teams.
One thing I love so much about this site is that, you don’t only make money predicting matches but, you also earn 30% on every amount your referrals deposit into their accounts. This is where the money is.
You are reading this page now because you are looking for information on how you can earn extra or more income apart from your monthly income. Some months back I was also doing exactly what you are doing now until I came across a package online which I want to share with you.
Do you know that there are some things you know that millions of people don’t know? And these people are willing to pay a token just to have this information you know. This package I found showed me how to search for peoples’ problems, find solution and give it to them to solve their problem and they in turn paid me an agreed fee. Because of my ability to solve their problems, they become dependent on me to be solving their problems.
Inside this package, you will know
• How to write, sell and price your ebook. Also, how to find a market for your products.
• How to open a paypal and click bank account.
• How to design your website.
To get this package, follow this link to get your own copy or call me on 08038967870 or send me an email via requesting for the package. It will only cost you #2,500 to get it from me.
Remember, you have so much in you that people are willing to pay for to have it. Solve a person’s problem and smile to your bank account. In the words of Zig Ziglar, “you can get what you want from life if you help a lot of other people to get what they want”.
This is the easiest and cheapest way you can take few dollars monthly from the internet. A blog is like a mini website where you can post, edit, advertise, etc. to create a blog is free. Let me mention few ways you can actually make money using your blog.
• Google Adsense: they advertise on your blog and pay you on every click a visitor makes on their adverts. Before you can incorporate google adsense advert on your blog, you must open a google account. To open a google account is free but you will need a US virtual address to open this account which you can get using your graphcard account.
• Advertisement: because of high traffic to your site, companies also apply to run adverts on your blog for a specific period of time and pay you for it.
• Marketing: you could also use your blog to market you own products like what I am doing now.
I can go on and on because the list is endless. Why not create one right now using
After you have created your blog, below are list of blog directories you can submit your blog to by signing up for them. it is also free. When you have submitted your blogs in these directories, they send your adverts which are relevant to your blog for you to advertise for them and you will be paid on every click a visitor makes on these adverts.
• BlogVertise is an interesting pay-per-post system, because there is no marketplace to browse. The connection between the advertisers and bloggers is made by the staff. All you have to do is register your blog, and when BlogsVertise has a suitable offer for your blog, it will be emailed to you. The average payout is around $5 - $15 per post, the final payment being made exclusively through PayPal 30 days after the sponsored post is approved.Click Here to Advertise on My Blog
• On Smorty blogs must be at least 30 days old and to have at least 10 articles published in order to be approved. The quoted rates for a sponsored post range from $6 to $100. The PageRank of your blog and advertiser ratings of your previous sponsored posts determine the frequency and value of the offers. Payments are made weekly, exclusively through PayPal.
• PayU2Blog is a smaller player in the sponsored review market. As a publisher, you will be given paid posting assignments on a weekly basis based on the blog profile you create.
• Although Bloggerwave is also a small paid blogging network and lists few open job opportunities, their site is very friendly and easy to navigate. Bloggers here get paid a minimum of $10 for each completed and approved post.
• With LoudLaunch the amount paid per post is based on the blog ranking, this network allowing bloggers to be compensated for distributing press releases. All you have to do is search through advertisers’ press release campaigns, select the ones aligned with your blog and post them on your blog based on the advertisers campaign. The compensation is based on the exposure your blog can deliver.
• Once your blog is approved on the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. The payments are made per posting, exclusively through PayPal, the standard amount being $5.
• BloggingAds is a different system, they supply everything: the advertisers, the text of the post and the money, all you have to do is to publish the ad on your blog.
While these workers love the security, variety and steady pay check of their 8 to 4 career, they also enjoy making tens of thousands of dollars extra for themselves by executing short term, minimum-commitment strategies several times a year.
If making money on the side interest you, but you want the commitment of running a part-time business all year round, then using the instant extra cash strategies to make extra income at night, weekends and during holidays is for you.
Do you know everyday millions of people are taking millions of dollar from the internet? Today, the internet is like a deep mine containing all sort of natural resources that could be exchanged for dollars. Infact, as you are reading this information right now, I am earning $1 already because you read it. It is a simple as that. I will be listing a couple of opportunities you could embrace to start making you own money. Follow this link
Have you heard of cashcrate? Here millions of companies around the globe pay you few dollars for every honest opinion you give towards their products. Today, cashcrate is making a lot of people like me to earn big extra income aside from their monthly income. You could also earn from this site. To sign up, for this website is free, but there are certain things you need to do before you sign up.
• You need online accounts that you can use to receive your monthly checks. These online accounts are free. Click below to sign up for these accounts.
• Next is to acquire a virtual US address where your monthly check will be mailed to you. This virtual US address serve as your graphcard account number, so with your graphcard account, you can get a virtual US address.
Click this link to sign up
This one is for those who are football fans. This site pays you for supporting a club or a team of your choice in any competition. If you have a good and wide knowledge on football, then do you know you can make money by analyzing matches and predicting which team is going to win?
Here all you need to do is either predict a win, a loss or a draw in any match of your choice or then smile to your bank to withdraw your money. To start, log on to, click on new user and fill the form correctly. Where you see referral code put BZPCRAH5. After you are done with form you submit.
Then log in and enter your bank account details, to enable you transfer your money at will. When you log in, go to BANK INFORMATION. Input your account number and Bank name. How to credit your account for betting will be sent to mail box and once your have credited your account, you can start making money by betting for your favourite teams.
One thing I love so much about this site is that, you don’t only make money predicting matches but, you also earn 30% on every amount your referrals deposit into their accounts. This is where the money is.
You are reading this page now because you are looking for information on how you can earn extra or more income apart from your monthly income. Some months back I was also doing exactly what you are doing now until I came across a package online which I want to share with you.
Do you know that there are some things you know that millions of people don’t know? And these people are willing to pay a token just to have this information you know. This package I found showed me how to search for peoples’ problems, find solution and give it to them to solve their problem and they in turn paid me an agreed fee. Because of my ability to solve their problems, they become dependent on me to be solving their problems.
Inside this package, you will know
• How to write, sell and price your ebook. Also, how to find a market for your products.
• How to open a paypal and click bank account.
• How to design your website.
To get this package, follow this link to get your own copy or call me on 08038967870 or send me an email via requesting for the package. It will only cost you #2,500 to get it from me.
Remember, you have so much in you that people are willing to pay for to have it. Solve a person’s problem and smile to your bank account. In the words of Zig Ziglar, “you can get what you want from life if you help a lot of other people to get what they want”.
This is the easiest and cheapest way you can take few dollars monthly from the internet. A blog is like a mini website where you can post, edit, advertise, etc. to create a blog is free. Let me mention few ways you can actually make money using your blog.
• Google Adsense: they advertise on your blog and pay you on every click a visitor makes on their adverts. Before you can incorporate google adsense advert on your blog, you must open a google account. To open a google account is free but you will need a US virtual address to open this account which you can get using your graphcard account.
• Advertisement: because of high traffic to your site, companies also apply to run adverts on your blog for a specific period of time and pay you for it.
• Marketing: you could also use your blog to market you own products like what I am doing now.
I can go on and on because the list is endless. Why not create one right now using
After you have created your blog, below are list of blog directories you can submit your blog to by signing up for them. it is also free. When you have submitted your blogs in these directories, they send your adverts which are relevant to your blog for you to advertise for them and you will be paid on every click a visitor makes on these adverts.
• BlogVertise is an interesting pay-per-post system, because there is no marketplace to browse. The connection between the advertisers and bloggers is made by the staff. All you have to do is register your blog, and when BlogsVertise has a suitable offer for your blog, it will be emailed to you. The average payout is around $5 - $15 per post, the final payment being made exclusively through PayPal 30 days after the sponsored post is approved.Click Here to Advertise on My Blog
• On Smorty blogs must be at least 30 days old and to have at least 10 articles published in order to be approved. The quoted rates for a sponsored post range from $6 to $100. The PageRank of your blog and advertiser ratings of your previous sponsored posts determine the frequency and value of the offers. Payments are made weekly, exclusively through PayPal.
• PayU2Blog is a smaller player in the sponsored review market. As a publisher, you will be given paid posting assignments on a weekly basis based on the blog profile you create.
• Although Bloggerwave is also a small paid blogging network and lists few open job opportunities, their site is very friendly and easy to navigate. Bloggers here get paid a minimum of $10 for each completed and approved post.
• With LoudLaunch the amount paid per post is based on the blog ranking, this network allowing bloggers to be compensated for distributing press releases. All you have to do is search through advertisers’ press release campaigns, select the ones aligned with your blog and post them on your blog based on the advertisers campaign. The compensation is based on the exposure your blog can deliver.
• Once your blog is approved on the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. The payments are made per posting, exclusively through PayPal, the standard amount being $5.
• BloggingAds is a different system, they supply everything: the advertisers, the text of the post and the money, all you have to do is to publish the ad on your blog.
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