If you own a car, truck, or other vehicle you are required by law to carry some type of insurance coverage. At a minimum, you are required to carry liability coverage that will cover expenses related to personal injury or property damage. In other words, if you cause an accident and someone is injured or property is damaged, you are responsible for paying for damages.
An insurance policy guarantees payment of a certain amount to cover these expenses should an accident occur. The rates you pay for your car insurance policy are based upon many factors including: age, sex, driving history, credit history, and year, make and model of the vehicle being insured. Other cost factors are determined by the amount of coverage you want.
Comprehensive is the most expensive type of insurance coverage. This type of insurance can offer protection to you, your family, and your car. It covers other things that can happen to your car such as fire, vandalism, or acts of Mother Nature such as hail damage.
Liability is the cheapest car insurance; however, if you do not own your car outright, you cannot purchase liability insurance alone. Lenders require you to have comprehensive insurance covering the vehicle until the note is paid in full.
Liability insurance offers protection to people in other cars when you are at fault for an accident. Typically, liability insurance will cover medical expenses and car repairs, up to a certain dollar amount. In most cases, liability insurance covers you in any vehicle that you drive, whether it belongs to you or someone else.
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