
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Solomon who was considered the wisest man in his time, once remarked that he had looked through the whole earth and saw that the swiftest person does not always win the race nor the strongest man the battle. He had realized through his personal experiences and by observing the experiences of others around him, that life would never really appear fair. There is a factor in the equation of life that would make those who appear less qualified, less skilled for the job or for the promotion many a times get it ahead of the others. This factor is called rhythm.

He remarked that all things seem to happen by time and chance meaning that time will always present opportunities. Those that see them and maximize their moments would come out on top. This factor made him conclude that those who understand the principle of timing and know the importance of dictating the right moment, seeing the hidden opportunities in every season would ultimately be on top. There are those who have learnt to stand back in preparation when the time is not ripe and to strike fiercely when it has reached it fruition.

You would find that those people are adaptable, pleasant in uncomfortable situations, diligent in their work even when it might not be what they would ultimately want to do. Even Jesus who came as one greater than Solomon on the subject of wisdom and in the understanding of the affairs of life emphazised the principle of timing to the extent that he made it clear that those who miss the opportunities in the season they go through life would ultimately be punished by life itself. Every season you go through has a purpose. Not all are pleasant but when you discover the ways of God and fall in line, you will move out of the ‘rat race’ and the ’struggle’ into the place where you are carried by a flood into a position prepared for you. It is all about understanding in rhythm. Three things are important in seeing and maximizing you moments.

1.      1. You must be a diligent person in whatever your hand can find to do today.
2.     2. You must always keep yourself busy and work hard. Laziness and idleness would dull your perception and stifle your inner faculties.
3.     3.  Idleness and laziness attracts negative spirits that brings poverty into your life. It affects your inner man.

You might right now not have the positioning to decide on the type of job you would really want to do but you must work diligently in whatever your hands can find with joy in your heart and this attitude would prepare you for the future. You might find yourself by ‘accident’ in the midst of situations and people that are undesirable and thorny where you can’t of your own will change. You must discipline your heart to find joy and take pleasure in all of it.

This is where you learn the rhythm in the dance of success and destiny which no man can teach you. If you don’t have the rhythm of success in you, you just don’t have it. You may read books, listen to tapes but catching the rhythm is a different science. Association with those that understand the spirit of the times and who reflect the character required would help, but no man can transfer the rhythm. You must learn it yourself. Not all seasons ordained by God are pleasant.

In the natural world winter might not be particularly pleasant but there is nothing you can do to change it. It is part of the cycles of life, a season with a purpose and necessary for continuity of life. There would be time when you would have to go through things that are unpleasant but there is nothing you can do to change it. There would be times you would have to go through things that are unpleasant, when you would have to work at jobs you don’t like, but you get to learn to be diligent and learn joy during those times for through them, you would come to learn the rhythm of God in the dance of success, peace and joy in your life and that is the truth.

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